Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Motivation: The Secret to Getting Ahead


The secret to getting ahead is getting started, but how does one get started? No matter what the task is at hand that you need to begin, here are three tips to help you start!

1. Set goals: Once you decide to start, you need to have something to start ON. Set tangible, actionable goals that will allow you to measure and assess your progress once you start.

2.Set reminders: It takes 30 days to form a habit, "make success a habit" by reminding yourself to do distinct tasks related to your goal until they become second nature.

3. Set Milestones Keep positive in pursuit of your goals by setting up opportunities for "little wins" along the way. Setting up milestones to work towards instead of just one large goal makes getting started seem easier and your goal more attainable.

Comment below and share your tips for getting started!


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